The Rev John Vincent was Vicar of Hinds from 1958 to 1960, Vicar of Riccarton St. James from 1966 to 1972 and Vicar of Hororata (Christchurch Diocese) from 1972 until his sudden death in July 1975.
He was also much involved in religious broadcasting, and the spread of the Group Life Laboratory seminars from the Diocese of Christchurch to the rest of New Zealand. It is papers relating to this national (or Provincial) focus that now form part of the Archives collection at the John Kinder Theological Library. Most of the Diocesan related papers are at the Christchurch Diocesan Archive.
The collection also includes papers relating to the broadcast of services and children’s religious programmes for radio and television, particularly 3YA Christchurch and in the early days of the NZBC. Also included are subject files on the Group Life Laboratories seminars which were held throughout New Zealand, as well as photographs (such as those shown) which give a unique insight into the professional and personal life and times of a dedicated and innovative priest.
The recently organised archive was donated to the Library by Rev John Vincent’s wife, the Rev. Barbara Vincent.